Upcoming Events and Workshops

Parent Coffee Mornings 


Purley Nursery School is pleased to offer parents/carers opportunities to come into nursery to meet and share a coffee/tea with Maria - Head of School and members of the nursery team to discuss key topics in child development:


Helicopter Stories Workshop

We encourage parents and carers to come and join us for Helicopter Stories Open Days to actively take part in scribing children’s stories and re-acting them out on the stage in the learning classroom.


We have had some great reviews from parents:


“Thank you for organising such a lovely event. Had much fun with the stories and plays”  


“Really loved today's helicopter story session. Thanks for organising”

Parent Involvement Workshop

These workshops will help parents/carers find out more about the teaching and learning approaches adopted by Purley Nursery School and also provide an overview of how our Early Years practitioners assess and support your child's next steps in development through the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Next workshop will be held on: TBC

 LibraryRhymetime and Storytime 

Children join in with singing, talking through stories, all the while developing their imagination. 

Children visit the library often and we are always happy to have parent volunteers! 

HENRY Croydon poster_PDF (002).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 653.8 KB
HENRY trifold leaflet_Croydon.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.3 MB