Our Vision

Achieving and Growing Together

At Purley Nursery School we are passionate about all our school community working together to inspire, strive, grow and achieve. We are relentless in our drive to inspire every member of our school community to develop a love for learning and to be proud of all achievements great or small. 

Our Mission

Happy confident learners

Our mission for Purley Nursery School is to inspire every child, regardless of any barriers to learning they may face to become happy confident learners.


We do this by providing an inviting, caring and stimulating environment, which encourages independence, self-assurance and celebration of their individual uniqueness. 


We aim to equip all children with the skills necessary to take risks in their learning, be happy and confident to try new things and develop resilience and confidence in character, creating learners for the future. 

Our Values

Caring, Independence, Respectful

As a school we are passionate and proud to ensure at every member of our school community knows that they are cared for, respected and valued. Our values are reflective of our approach in developing learners throughout our lifetime, celebrating each child’s uniqueness across our rich diverse school community. We live these values in all areas of our school and strive to form strong supportive partnerships with parents/carers to do so.

Research has shown that children learn more in the first five years than at any other time in their lives. We will:

1. establish strong links with parents/carers, involving them in their children's progress and the ways in which they learn, recognising the crucial role of parental involvement in their child's education.


2. ensure that the transition from home/other nursery settings to this nursery and later from Nursery on to Reception Class is a happy time.


3. value and promote the diversity of race, culture, beliefs and faiths which the children and their families bring.


4. provide high quality teaching and learning experiences which will enable every child to become a happy and confident learner, recognising that each child will develop at their own pace and in their own way physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.